what number president is trump

Scott Belford (author) from Keystone Heights, FL on April 20, 2018: Khalil - Thanks for taking the time to review and think about this hub. Medical patents should be extremely limited in score, as other people could build on any useful patents to find a cure. Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on June 04, 2020: That was the miss calculation by the CDC. If you did want the economy to grow coming out of the the worst downturn since the Great Depression, you would support such a move. It clearly shows it is a leading indicator. If they start declining, especially in domestic production, that portends bad times since so much of the economy is dependent on their sales. Oh yeah, and then there are ALL those OTHER investigations into everything Trump and his family. One up-tick does not make a trend, so we need to wait for two or three more months of data to come. B: How did taxing people for not getting ACA insurance offset these medical expenses that you mention? Add those together and you get MORE than 54% of adults Don't Like Trump. Or will the Nobel comiitee snub him like they snubed Reagan 30 years prior...? As to the electoral college, if Comey and the Russians [b]had stayed out of our elections[/b], Clinton would have, I am convinced, won. What you see in this February 2018 GDP - 3 chart is a continuously growing stock market in concert with a GDP heading the same direction. In that arena, the GOP actually had it right.). Scott Belford (author) from Keystone Heights, FL on June 04, 2020: So a few million dead in America is OK with you. Any honest man with humility would have declined to acknowledge that award since he had done NOTHING to deserve it. Neither party has a solution for healthcare, the insurance companies are immune. He won the presidency during a 2 Personal Year and was sworn into office during a 3 year. If it weren't for the Fed, America would have experienced the same frequency of terrible (think 2008) recessions as happened before 1950. 2/9/2019 - Note that the growth in manufacturing jobs slowed from 1.8% through last month down to 1.6% this month. He simply has no clue what he is doing (which is what I blamed Democrats for vis-a-vis trade. POINT 9: False in its entirety. There are two measures for how long people have been out of work. The reason Trump won is because on the side of the GOP, they are engaged and are active and wants genuine change. And no, they won't agree with you because the American voter didn't reject the Democrat. The fact you are in the vast minority in thinking ACA is bad is beside the point. The first numbers that reflect current and short-term economic health is what is happening to the labor pool (those people willing to work). Anyone who is living in America for the last 10 years would agree with me. This new chart shows a history of job openings, hires, and separations since the last few years of the Bush 43 administration to now. It is easy to see what happened in 2008 and 2009 where this was not true. -What do you think the possible global repercussions of ‘America First’ policy in the long term? The Itan crisis was created by Obama with the nuclear deal. And the 911 scenario was known as a possible way for terrorists to attack. They have nuclear capability for defense if they are pushed by their neighbors. Polymath - Brad, you should look it up. What then is the solution, and how do we know there is a problem. His first book entitled "The Art of the Deal" was published in 1987. Therefore, it was here when immigration became critical to a growing population because immigration is necessary to replace the babies that aren't being born in sufficient numbers. What I said is that things aren't as good under Trump as you make out - which is true. FDA Mission. Seems like most of the Rs (and 80% of the country) don't want his stupid, useless wall (at least the one he wants) Besides, the wall has nothing to do with the economy other than driving up the debt and deficit. Since Trump took office, UE has fallen to 4.1% from.7%. Keep in mind as you read on that I my worldview consist of, but is not limited to the following: - People have a duty to do no harm to other people, animals (yes, I quietly oppose hunting), and the environment, - Gov't has a duty, through the people, to ensure one citizen or business does no harm (beyond fair competition) to another, - To accomplish the above, reasonable gov't regulation is needed and necessary, - Rights are not unlimited; liberty is not unlimited, - Within the limits set above, individuals should exercise the greatest amount of liberty they desire, * "America First". The growth was steady until 2014 when it accelerated. Thank you My esoteric for your precious time and for the rich response. The same with Iran, isn’t he right in his intention to negotiate a better deal that would ultimately serve the United States? Trump screwed the pooch on this one and I suspect it will be years before the economy recovers - pent up demand or not. It's quite the contrary. That low interest variable loan coupled with no or really low down payment and with many buyers maxed out to buy the house. To make up the difference, the government borrows money which is called the National Debt; which today exceeds $20 trillion, a historically high number. 2/9/19 - After two years into the Trump administration we can see that the upswing begun in the Obama administration has continued at about the same rate. If so, it was their budget, not the Ds. We use this management tool a little differently in assessing how President Trump is doing. For example, the top line traces changes in the Civilian non-Institutional Population (CniP), i.e. First, look at each of the yellow triangles which represent a recession. I also sort of stopped listening when he called Obama a Fascist. And why would Kim Un announce that he will stop his nuclear program has been worked on since the 1950s along with so many hostilities and aggressive propaganda. The more Trump succeeds in MAGA, the less power people will have on the other side. Walking away from the so-called summit when he realized his type of diplomacy doesn't work in the political world. I would much rather have an economy chug along at 2 - 2.5% for years and years rather than 3.5% + for a few years before the next recession as history says it will. So far, the number of people who have been pardoned or granted commutations by Trump is much smaller than acts of clemency by past US presidents going back to Nixon. Who is at fault is the intel agencies "territory" mindset. We need to reunite the two Koreas just like the two Germanies. Sad. Just to refresh your memory, I wrote: "POINT 7: Now why would you think Democrats would want to help Trump destroy America??? Consequently, in order to grow the population one of two things must happen (or a combination of the two); 1) more than two offspring must be produced and/or 2) immigrants (it doesn't make any difference which type) must come into the country. Look at the transition between Clinton and Bush (the 2001 recession) and Bush and Obama (2008 recession) to see what I mean. I also wished, like Hillary wanted, he would have imposed a no-fly zone in Syria. - which data are you referring to? Finally, Uninsured Rates is Red because all the turmoil surrounding Obamacare has noticeably increased the number of uninsured Americans. Trump has had four White House press secretaries. We see that once President Obama stopped the downward spiral, by late 2009 job openings began to grow. Had the FRB raised the interest as they had in the year previous to this bubble, these loans would have fallen like dominoes. In the legal sense, where a lawyer argues their case to the jury. How do we know that humans are causing it, if we don't know what is changing the climate, man or nature? 2. Brad, I thought you would no that the FAA was doing the job it was supposed to do. On the other hand, other observers say that Trump is right when he urged the NATO to pay their fair share and that they owe the U.S. Doesn’t that seem logical? Brad - I am trained in economics, I spent a career (I know, I am repeating myself again) the Air Force as a cost and economic analyst. What does the official (U-3) unemployment (UE) rate figure tell us? Illegals are not suppose to be here in the first place. If I showed you a graph of corporate cash reserves, which were and still are huge, you would see the explanation of why business took so long to get back on track. You get the idea. Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on March 03, 2019: Scott, has Trump done anything you approve of since taking office? It did flatten out when the 2016 campaigns began and have stayed flat ever since. Two, there is nothing "false" about a zero interest economy that saved the world. Therefore, America will lose any fight against the world which seems what Trump is trying to achieve. Trump's trade policies WILL Cost Jobs and make most Everything more Expensive. POINT 4: You mean Democratic and Republican leaning judges, don't you since Reagan and Bush (both) appointed judges ruled against Trump. It should increase even further as he rolled-back President Obama's green house gas reduction program. * The number of people out of work for 5 weeks or less rose from 3,5 million in March to 14.3 million in April and then down to 3.9 million in May, and increase of 400,000 between March and May. Trump will 100% be next president, says Michael Flynn ‘There’s a whole number of paths that the President has’ says Flynn, insisting his former boss will remain in the White House and see saws can't move forward. Your analysis of the elements mentioned is pretty logical, especially when it comes to the population growth which is being reversed by immigration block. The reason for the second metric is that it is not very often that a raw number (Public Debt) has any meaning by itself. I don't wish anyone to die but we can't keep our country shut down indefinitely. I can (and have) given one from McConnell. POINT 2: How did the Ds stop Trump from wasting money on the wall prior to 2019? While not indicating things are getting worse, it may be that things have stopped getting better. Minutes later, just minutes, at the next update, these vote numbers switched with President Trump going way down to 17,000 and Biden going way up to … ptosis from Arizona on February 05, 2018: Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on February 05, 2018: You claim there are plenty of Americans that want Trump taken down. President Trump's new order is issued a day before a deadline proposed in a relatedexecutive order issued by the Obama administration, which pointed out … That was one reason he got elected...to fix it. Around 675,000 Americans died as a result of H1N1; up to 50 million worldwide. It should be a surprise to no one that Consumer Spending accounts for the lion's share of GDP, about 69%. They got their budget passed without giving funding for the wall, and made DACA a budget issue when it wasn't. Women joined the workforce (before 1948, they weren't even counted). 5. But bottom line, Trump didn't change the fundamental structure of Obama's plan. For example: You will see I take a slightly different approach when we get to President Trump's stoplight chart. And Trump against illegal aliens. Most or all of the Red states who voted for Trump will probably do so again. What is the plan to reduce this type of carbon footprint? There is no other way. Obviously the opposite is true as well. Scott Belford (author) from Keystone Heights, FL on April 27, 2018: Even Trump's golf courses are having problems. And, that is not the hyperbole mentioned above. My jury is still out on his moves in North Korea. Below is what is called a stoplight chart. For example, take the Dow Jones Industrial Average. "As for the Hillary claim of WikiLeaks and their publishing of her classified emails," is a complete LIE. You are being obtuse, and wrong. So as you see, Trump is a better leader and has the executive experience and the art of the deal to make a difference. This first chart looks at Median Household Income. Yep, I like your charts; they are very familiar. Donald Trump Phone Number 2020; Donald Trump Phone Number is 1-202-456-1414, even though this is not his direct phone number, this is the number you can get him through, if you are really ready to send across a vital information, that needed to get right to the president of America, you make use of the official number, Donald Trump personal phone number cannot be made public because he … While spending most of the first two year of the Trump administration above that channel, it has now moved into the middle of it1 . By the time Obama left office, much of Iraq was in friendly hands when prior to that it was in ISIS hands. His transformation of America is what made it possible for the rise of Trump. The Part-Time numbers, while looking a little different still reflect a declining and then improving economy. -- As President Donald Trump prepares to leave the White House, 34% of Americans approve of the job he is doing as president, the worst evaluation of his presidency. There will be active measures against the Russians attempt to get him elected again, so that won't be as effective either. Given the WHOLE purpose of the deal that six countries, including Russia, signed on to was to stop Iran from getting the bomb, how can it be a "bad" deal since that is exactly the outcome from the deal? JAMES K. POLK. Scott Belford (author) from Keystone Heights, FL on February 27, 2019: " I don't consider democrats Americans," - AND YOU JUST proved yourself the TRUE unAmerican here. Consumer Sentiment is thought to be a great indicator of consumer intention to buy things. That said, the increase in Discouraged Workers doesn't account for all of the decrease in the unemployment rate. You apparently ARE one of those who would excuse Trump for shooting someone on 5th Ave like he said. - And what makes you think food stamps is a lagging indicator?? Actually, as we will see, they were wrong. But don't give Trump too much credit, other than being loud mouth and inconsistent. The reason Trump got a large majority of the electoral votes should give you pause. The former tracks gross income for the average household and the latter considers average per person disposable (after-tax) income. They have destroyed your party without any help from the Russians or the GOP. If I was a democrat, I would ask for my money back. I saw this first hand working in a DoD readiness office. The first chart looks at the whole history of GDP, from 1794 to 2017. Having said all of that, do I wish Obama had done more to arm the Ukranians, the Kurds, and, if they could figure out who the good guys really were, some of the Syrian rebels. Yes, he will take credit for Un, but I think the South Korean deserves most of it. Absolutely Amazing. All blue states who voted for Clinton will vote D again. That means Trump has visited golf courses on about 21% of the days of his presidency, or roughly 1 in 5 days. It would seem you favor one of those two choices. Right now, the carbon footprint is still following the downward path President Obama set. There credibility is in the tank. In a time when our government is over bloated and cannot even pay its bills and balance our budgets, why do we have to pay for prisons to house illegals that commit crimes? That is why it is sort of pointless to use both metrics since you can draw the same conclusions from each. Your non-sequitur about illegal aliens begs the question - Why did Trump hire hundreds to work his properties?? CNN's Betsy Klein and Christina Carrega contributed to this report. President Trump on Wednesday became the first president in America history to be impeached twice. and all the social services and schools and hospitals which just by the mere fact they are here living among us, will be a burden to those institutions? An interesting group of presidents share some traits — of course not all traits — with Mr. Trump. Will Trump be given credit for this? 10/6/2019 - More deterioration is noticeable. Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on April 27, 2018: I am not wrong. 9. Remember, Trump won by only 90,000 votes split among three blue states. You don't even acknowledge much of what we write, and when you do this is your comments. It provides you a look at the trends of all of the measures that make up the employment picture.2 The percentages are the growth (or decline) in that measure. This lasted until after the GOP tax cut was passed when it accelerated once again. B: And you think you are an expert in economics. One of the primary non-minority losers from his domestic party are those who voted for him. The right stoplight is how it is in December 2017. ", "Every day, the FAA's Air Traffic Organization (ATO) provides service to more than 43,000 flights and 2.6 million airline passengers across more than 29 million square miles of airspace", "On any given day, more than 87,000 flights are in the skies in the United States. You can be against a bad deal and not for war. In four years, President Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims The Fact Checker’s database of the false or misleading claims made by President Trump while in office. So please keep in mind when considering Civilian Labor Force and Employment Level, some of the growth is simply due to an increasing population rather than changes in employment dynamics. The remainder comes from the Obama stimulus program that replaced depressed consumer spending with more government spending; it worked. And what do they have to have to satisfy their demand, a job of course. And so anti racist? The other major contributor associated with the government were Fannie and Freddie for allowing these ridiculous loans. The democrats were allowed to continue the Mueller investigation that didn't even have a predicate crime to investigate. You cherry pick, dismiss, divert, smear red herrings and just don't make any arguments. The Median is the number of weeks where 50% of the people out of work have been so for less than that number and 50% have been out of work longer. The mathematics of labor statistics says that when that number goes up, the UE rate will fall. B: What deregulation are you talking about? This has sparked outrage from liberal Supreme Court justices. And public behavior that otherwise was largely beneath the office before his tenure is often on full display online, with Trump often resorting to name-calling and tweeting overtly racist messages and media. People are not uniform, and the type of questions can be changed and the results changed, Meaning that you can lead to whatever results you want by asking people questions and having them not be people representing the total. He went after ISIS and now they are much reduced in influence. also, approval/ economy and foreign . When one fails, it means that the process has failed. Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on March 04, 2019: It is not what I prefer. And the individuals charged or found guilty of crimes around Ronald Reagan include a slew of associates involved in the Iran-Contra scandal and associates charged in relation to former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Samuel Pierce's mismanagement of the agency. That was how they dealt with it and in two years, the flu went away on its own. They have influence and they created the image of hatred for Trump. It increases exports to China to make up for the decrease caused by two years of trade war. That is the whole draining the swamp mean. No, and he said as much. He also uses social media to spread misinformation. CNN's count of individuals charged or found guilty of crimes up and down Richard Nixon's command, for example, includes many of the individuals involved in the Watergate scandal, such as Nixon's chief of staff and the five men involved in the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters. But, if it continues into the March update, there will be more significance attached to them. It also violated every economic principal the GOP holds dear (except for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations). And now I am not so sure of that anymore either. Only time will tell if Trump/Pompeo did something else to get Un going down this path. It is clear he belongs to the school of economics Alen Greenspan, who had a lot to do with the 2008 Recession from happening. EXPLAIN why Obama provided more military support than any president before him, or Trump (I think). I hope you update this hub with news as they happen... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/7/cb... Scott Belford (author) from Keystone Heights, FL on April 29, 2018: Jack, because Obama didn't, he left it much more stable over all than what Bush left him. While the democrats in congress worked solely to undermine the president, and they didn't contribute anything in congress to help the country. POINT 7: Now why would you think Democrats would want to help Trump destroy America??? Scott Belford (author) from Keystone Heights, FL on February 28, 2019: When, Jack, did I ever say "how bad things (I presume you are talking about the economy" are under Trump" - WHY do you make such stuff up?? The other 10 - 15% still need to open their eyes. Next. The upward trend appears to be continuing with Trump. In fact, it was about 3.8%. After losing the 2020 election, President Trump refused to accept the will of the American people. (These will be posted in a couple of days). The “then” figure is the best-available number for when Trump first took office in 2017. Scott, That is the problem. People supply the demand and people supply the workforce to satisfy that demand. 4. Full knowledge of these facts is considered the greatest safeguard and deterrent against sneak attack," reads the introduction of a NORAD guidebook published in 1970 [source: ­Hough]. Any given measure generally means nothing in particular, but the trend does. They projected 8m job loss, and got 2.5m job gains....??? Trump oversees unprecedented number of federal executions President Trump has overseen more federal executions than any other president. I suspect by doing so, it eliminates any chance of peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. After Pelosi got done fixing it, the USMCA ended up strong enough for many major unions to sign on to it. This time it is the illegal aliens and treating as pseudo Americans and because they have been effective in keep vote id from happening, there is no way to know how many of these illegal aliens, and convicted felons as well as dead people have been voting in our elections. Obama's 1,715 commuted prison sentences in his two terms were the most of any president in history — and he specifically explained his motivations to highlight systemic bias in the criminal justice system. Seems so. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFu2oze_uZA. WHAT is your bone fide?? While we are on this topic, what do you think of the North/South Korean development of recent days? They didn't did they? Trump won the electoral college by 304 votes to Clinton’s 227. Jack, you only addressed one of the two possibilities with "You can be against a bad deal and not for war. No matter what he said, did or tweeted, his numbers stayed steady. Jerusalem was de facto the capital already, I hope you knew. Actually it is eight months for Mueller and how do You know they haven't found anything? The story of the Trump presidency cannot be fully told in numbers. Jack Lee from Yorktown NY on February 03, 2018: The dossier is a fake created by Steele. But after that time the die will be cast and economic disaster will be unavoidable. When it comes to economics, it was night and day between the Obama years and now. Use your words, you don't make any points with these kind of sweeping summary dismissals. The economy grew at, in your opinion, Jack, an anemic 2.6% in the 4th quarter of 2018. Second, using the same logic a slowing CnIP growth rate also suggests a couple of things; 1) inflation as employers vie for fewer employees and 2) less output if the labor pool for workers shrink too much. Likewise, GDP is rated Green because the trajectory of GDP growth has not changed very much between the two administrations. Nevertheless, if you like the more inclusive U-6, it is there for your use. These numbers represent where the rubber meets the road, people. Give me a break. "The real collusion is on the Democrat side. The Trump economy is real...not a progression or continuation of the Obama years. The next set of indicators measure different aspects of forces that drive economic activity or reflect what is going on. If you look at the two metrics, U-3 and U-6, in Chart EMP - 2 you should see that the two lines mimic each other, the only difference is one of magnitude.

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