the missing years of jesus: documentary

Directed by Paul Davids. In other words, you don't know what you're talking about. From the suggested article on race in Wikipedia; Yes there is. Religion, used to instill hope in desperate times. The story of James holds the origin of the story of the risen Christ. In short, you are completely unschooled in historical/biblical scholarship or for that matter any type of historical scholarship, considering your inability to understand the difference between historical claims and theological ones, and have no business making any claims period. "But Bart Erhman says..." Erhman CHOOSES to believe. It must have been a Doyle who tamed the river Nile for no one but an Irishman could tame a crocodile." Everything else was written around 60CE - there were no fact checkers or internet back then so no one could check what really happened when they wrote !! So you can ask the same question, where did he get his information? This would have explained his feminine features (large chest and wide hips), the temporal lobe is involved with the release of hormones involved in sexual development. However, certain of the most eminent among the populace had great indignation at this dire cry of his, and took up the man, and gave him a great number of severe stripes; yet did not he either say any thing for himself, or any thing peculiar to those that chastised him, but still went on with the same words which he cried before. Merely contending that the story of James holds the origin of the story of the risen Christ is simply not good enough to qualify as scholarship. Trained Monkeys? Every word became real and I saw Jesus. You lack the background and the competence to comment on anything approaching biblical historicity. If I believed there was a god, Jesus would be one of the last ones I would dedicate my life towards. Jesus and all Jews are more Near Asian in genetic makeup than Caucasian. Granted most Christians are not truly followers of christ, but rather following the masses, in acceptance. The bible is a very misunderstood beast and most of it is in code. The Gnostics were a group of early Christians and do not represent the entire Christian population of the time. I don't buy it, just as I don't buy any of your screwball contentions. I wish people would think before posting, just a bit of lateral thought now and then, just a bit. I would rather drive roofing nails into my skull than watch this. Hutan Ashrafian, surgeon and medical historian thinks Tutankhamun and his family may have had a heritable form of temporal lobe epilepsy. He must have had other sources which are now lost. So I have to blindly accept what you cannot support. It picks you up and never lets go of you.”. By the way, I resent riddles or being expected to read someone's mind. Are you familiar with Edward Bernays? Jesus, rebel without a cause Begin your journey of spiritual awakening! Now which of my statements do you find irrational? Missing Lenses: How reading scripture with the first century church can help us fin... Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians. cleverly observed........i question the scholarship!it is as self-centered as you-know-who...!you choose to believe there was a historical jesus but deny his actions credited to him. How very christian of you telling me to shut my mouth, not to mention your blatant disregard for the rules here with your CAP-LOCK RANT. On Grail Christianity" discusses the legends and traditions of Christians not only in the west of England and Ireland, but in such far flung locales as Lebanon that during the missing years Christ traveled at least once and possibly twice to Britain on Phoenician ships owned by his great uncle, Joseph of Arimathea.

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