python christmas video gore

If Canada had the death penalty, get a kitten to throw the switch!!! This useless clause of the law just bans using a “pet” as food for another animal. Born on the original Christmas in the stable next door to Jesus Christ, Brian of Nazareth spends his life being mistaken for a messiah. That’s what vultures do. Fuck him, I hope he dies a very long and drawn out painful death. In my opinion, every cat on the planet should be feed to snakes. Sorry, guy and gals, that’s just ridiculous! It would have been cruel to let his snake starve. How the fck is it ok for one animal, but not the other??? I am writing a python/django application and it needs to do image manipulation and then combine the images into a video (each image is a frame). People breed these rodents for the sole purpose of feeding them to your pets. Please note that if you are under 18, you won't be able to access this site. Its not natural for one animal to eat another?? December 27, 2013 jacquiodell Christmas, Kids, Must Have Products. Montreal crime case: The Python Christmas psycho a.k.a. Its gonna get fed one way or another. anyway, that kid is a psycho he has chopped someone up and is on the run! There are many ways you can celebrate especially when you have little ones around. Open the file display.pyTo our code:We import OpenCv and sys. wich became larger in part due to the consumption of animal proteins, a.k.a. Stop being such an ignorant motherfucker. This wasn’t done by a human being. Cats eat , mice and birds furthermore they torture them before killling , them sometimes. It isn’t even right…. These are the actions of a sadistic human being.'. Not true, I buy live rabbits and rats for all my snakes because they refuse to eat dead unless I force feed them. Morality is what his parents should have taught him. Why name somethings food if it was just meant to be food? Yeah, a kitten is just sooooo cute. If that person wants to give a cat to his python, he can breed them as people breed rabbits and rats. Cut that guy some slack, it’s not like he killed someone, it was just some worthless animal. Born on the original Christmas in the stable next door to Jesus Christ, Brian of Nazareth spends his life being mistaken for a messiah. There is, in fact, a difference between feeding a python a rodent and a cat. It IS natural for any animal in a snake’s way to get eaten. I agree that feeding a cat to a python is sadistic. To sink down to his level and be just as sick and disturbing one would either have to feed him to a python or murder him with an icepick, dismember his body and use it for sexual pleasure. It is natural for them to eat LIVE PREY. I will eat the remains of a dead kitten then bum the pyton right in his bum…. I think the bigger picture here is not just the fact he fed a live kitten to his python, but the whole disturbing episode ..the santa outfit, the way he plays with the kitten first, his mind is not right at all and most uncomfortable of all is that little drummer boy playing in the background which is the song that Myra Hindley had playing when she tortured a 10 year old on tape the files about it , this guy is a sicko and god knows what they are capable of when they get bored with kittens ! i think you are an idiot you have probably never even spent anytime with a pet snake so narrow minded. C’est pas choquant c’est juste un serpent qui mange un chat … O.o”. At a certain point, when the little cat got close enough, the python acted rapidly in its characteristic style, by biting, coiling and crushing the cat. And anyone who says it is natural is almost as bad. wild animals may have to eat eachother to survive, but thats life in the wild for u, and the key word there is TO SURVIVE. I’m going to bum youin the bum. Note: Original video of boy from Islington, London, UK, feeding kitten to Burmese python, has been meanwhile taken down off the web!!! You’ll now find the video has been deleted, the lady, who was actually a veterinary assistant has been reported to the relevant authorities for feeding a live kitten to a python, which if I understand correctly is illegal in America and I think it’s safe to say she will not be filming such videos and posting them on Myspace, next to pictures of her with her kids, again. This furbaby didn’t deserve this. I hate snakes and I will kill any snake I see, if it’s possible. This is vile. This Time of the Year 6. This resource includes 7 Christmas themed, stand alone activities for students learning how to program using Python. Image manipulation is easy. Shame on this poor pathetic excuse for a human. BUMMING, i’ll make him eat poo till he throws up and then i’ll make him lick that up and eat it, then i’ll let pythons eat his arms and legs, i agree with you bumders, but i think to should tie him to a gaint kitten and make him eat it, then when he as ate it i will brake his knee caps then i will make a knee cap pizza and make him eat that and the i will bum him till his eyes bleed and make him drink the blood he crys then cut off his toes and make some anal beeds with them and put them up his ars then i will bum you ALL!!!!! Sorry for my english… I’m italian and also here this video making much talking! Let me guess you’re a vegan right? It’s not the snake’s fault either, it was doing exactly what any other would have done. Now if you want to toss meat out of your diet for whatever reason thats fine, but get the hell off that high horse you rode in on and stuff those bullshit vegan comments. But this proves that this man isn’t human. As far as everyones biased opinions against reptiles, quit talking out of your a holes!… you’re just making yourself look exactly like what you’re talking out of!… now that’s RILL! GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Images and songs from the movie have been posted on his YouTube site. I’m so sick of this whole we don’t need meat bullshit. I hope this guy gets fucking leathered and has to live with some sickening public humiliation. They are not there for sick and twisted misdemenors by human beings, whether for entertainment or venting purposes!! To one of the comments people who own snakes don’t feed them live kittens and post it virally, over the internet, because they aint sick weirdos. He needs to be tied up and have gas poured all over his groin area and maybe turn the music up when he starts screaming from anguish. By Craig Mackenzie Updated: 18:02 GMT, 3 December 2011. He should be killed. Just because they are not covered (or are they?) They seem to be useless when it really matters. However, this “neglected in need love” human being trapped the defenseless kitten (repeat for emphasis) DEFENSELESS with no chance of fighting for her life as meal for the python. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. if, you want the snakes to actually maintain their natural personality and ‘circle of life’ and all that. A person who is f***ed in the head and finds EXCUSES for what they do is not going to have a very “pleasant” afterlife. God curse you! ', Vet Pete Wedderburn told the Sun: 'The kitten is probably no older than four months. I truly mean this and I want you to know I am dead serious. What this guy did was psychotic. We are a (I may hope) civilized community! Well in the wild your not going to have sick t*** feed a kitten to a snake whilst recording it with crimbo music in the back ground are you?? Joe Biden dodges... 'I didn't want him to do it mama.' Once you posted the link it jumped up to 400 so I think it was a case of people not knowing the video was even in circulation. AND I HOPE YOU DIE AS HORRIBLY AS THAT INNOCENT CAT. They get fed other animals all the time . He needs to be arrested, and put in a place were he can no longer harm any living thing, as well as receive intense medical/psychological help. I'm using PIL, but for the convert to video part, I'm stuck. June 1, 2012: Python Christmas sicko turns into cannibal, chased by Interpol It´s just so easy everybody. But this guy most likely rescued this kitten from a shelter. Therefore, in my opinion, Luke Magnotta is a psycho who poses a huge danger to society. MASS MURDER MAKES ME HAPPY, DEAD BODIES MAKE ME HAPPY…….SAY WHAT YOU WILL OF ME I’LL ALWAYS HAVE JUGGALO FAMILY !! You don’t like this video for one reason: It’s a cute little kitty. That cat was barely months old and had it’s life taken away from it before it even lived. Oh my god you legit spoke my mind right on spot. You think we got canines in our mouth just cause their pretty? by your stupid pet protection law, you all can’t care less about their fate. People also make pets out of pigs, goats , and cowz as well (which many people eat also). Are you a fucking moron? People are god damn ridiculous. (animals do have feelings, they get scared just like we do, hurt just like we do, have parents etc JUST LIKE WE DO). Ah, that is just natural for a cat. It’s more about this man’s power/control fantasy rather than feeding his snake. The system has to have a menu as shown in the image and calls specific functions based on the users choice. It is UNNATURAL for them to eat pre-killed animals. and then you go around parroting to everyone else “this guy’s bad because he fed a pet kitten to his pet snake” as if it’s your own idea, but it’s not your own idea. dont anyone dare try to stick up for this sick psychotic act of humanity. Required fields are marked *. There aren’t words to describe this. I've been developing software for 15 years—and I'd love to help you become a more proficient Python coder. Learn how your comment data is processed. In the wild, yes this would be OK. Shut up hippie! HE SHOULD BE BUTTRAPED IN JAIL!!! but on ocassion in places like India or Australia if the snake is starving and is large enough it will eat a wildpig or something like that. Judy Murray's smoothed hers away with a £4.5k hi-tech treatment... but it's... SARAH VINE: Feel invisible as a middle aged woman? Snakes are not soo dangerous, if you care for them properly. at the end the man is a complete cunt, why would you do that! I think the dude was just feeding his pet burmese python. Its cries of agony are drowned out by the Christmas song Little Drummer Boy playing in the background of the video. Gore Vidal's gospel (good news) comes at us through the lips of St Timothy (aka Timaximus, Timinimus, Timikens, Timmy or just plain Tim) the first century Bishop of Ephesus who was 'a top'...but only sometimes. Cats are domesticated animals and are geographically isolated from pythons (well, unless you one has a pet python and a pet cat). animals don’t have rights enough with this liberal hippy crap. P.s. I hope you get killed by something in the wild. However the situation progressed now to a more scary level as Magnotta is being chased internationally by police for cannibalism charges after allegedly killing and eating a man in Montreal, Canada. as it is clearly shown in the video, it is completely impossible to prevent animal cruelty because animal welfare officers cannot be in every house with a snake to ensure snakes are fed only pre-killed food. Trust me, many people want to kill him to what he did that animal. And the fact this guy was arrested just for properly feeding his pet snake is PROOF of that fact! Because you have a cat at home? Read also: Stunning Photos: Giant python fights, constricts, kills crocodile in water. Go straight to hell. meat. Well, its horrible what happened and we feel sorry for you, but you were in the ocean and well, there was a shark. Then, there was 1 Lunatic, 1 Icepick. Maybe we should just hang the bastard. A very foolish woman indeed! ': Eve Hewson reveals her U2 star dad Bono refused to hire... Every living president EXCEPT Trump has called me says Joe Biden - and says he had never been in the White... 'I'm tired of talking about Donald Trump, I don't want to talk about him anymore.' You know he is playing the same music in the background as Myra Hindley did when she killed a kid? Sure people make pets out of rodents and that’s fine. It's carry on working from home! The ONLY reason this got any headlines in the news is because he bought the kitten at a pet store, and therefore it legally has the word “pet” attached to its name, and under the law a “pet” must NOT be fed to another animal (whether or not that other animal is also a pet doesn’t matter). And he just sits there with a video camera. That they’re not pets?? Circle of life? But on a bed, after playing with it? Rats or mice on the other hand are just disgusting, aren’t they? FUCKING WATCHING AS A POOR BABY CAT GETS EATEN AND TAKING PLEASURE IN IT IS SICK. A small Christmas' Tree Algorithm in Python. Don’t you recognize sarcasm when you see it? A mouse or a rat suffers as much as a cat, when the python devours them. Snakes should not be kept as pets. Which world do you live in? Yes, there’s the option to feed them dead mice but the ONLY reason store owners do that is so the dumb snake doesn’t try to eat the mouse alive and get torn up from the inside.

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