ofsted deep dive questions for middle leaders

Primary Good Leaders have considered pupils personal development. Inspectors don’t want this polluted by headteachers, so look to middle- and class-based leaders … However, Ofsted stresses that inspectors are not inspecting the lesson or … Ofsted must be realistic in what it demands from subject leaders in its 'deep dives' in primary schools, says James Bowen ... James Bowen is director of policy at the NAHT headteachers' union and director of the NAHT Edge union for middle leaders. Aims: To clarify the Ofsted expectations; Give time to exploring the progress within subjects and how this is monitored in school; To be prepared for a ‘deep dive’ line of enquiry Preparing for a deep dive in Physical Education – Notes. This briefing explains how Ofsted conducts deep dives and how inspectors use evidence from deep dives to form inspection judgements. This is the approach that several lead inspectors have already taken and is proving constructive and useful. Ofsted Deep Dive Questions: Preparation And Discussion Framework. Several meetings with SLT on general running and policies they have etc. Not a RE Deep Dive 11. Ofsted will be “deep diving” into a selection of subjects during their inspections with the “curriculum at the heart of inspection” focusing on curriculum intent, implementation and impact.I’ve previously written an article on this called inspecting computing for computing subject leaders. Under the new policy, a select group of subjects will be chosen and inspected rigorously. The new Ofsted ‘Inspecting the curriculum’ guidance states that as part of a ‘deep dive’ Ofsted will: Gather evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact over a sample of subjects, topics or aspects in collaboration with leaders, teachers and pupils. Thanks to Sonia Hassall @SoniaHassall. Final Thoughts. As part of the ‘deep dive’, inspectors meet with subject leaders. I’m long enough in the tooth to remember when an Ofsted inspection prompted a “deep dive” into school cupboards to ensure all the tat had been thrown away. Schools need leaders who support PSHE education, with an understanding of its value and role in children and young people’s lives, as well as knowing what best practice looks like in order to encourage it. Our expert curriculum team have developed a suite of highly interactive training linked to the ‘deep dive’ questions OFSTED are asking of school leaders and managers. Whether it's a local authority adviser, an Ofsted inspector or anyone else seeking to find out more about the effectiveness of middle leadership in your school, there are some key questions which you are likely to encounter. This allows the school time to talk in rich detail about its teaching in different subjects. 'My school is holding mock deep dives' If Ofsted says 'jump' – or 'dive' – then school leaders do so, immediately. Inspectors will visit lessons as part of the deep dive. Introduction. Intrigued to know what this might mean for design and technology, I asked middle leaders to share some of their experiences of a recent Ofsted inspection – and here are some key points that I picked up. If you don’t know about the Amazon leadership principles, consider fi It will be useful for subject leaders to consider their subject in terms of the three ‘I’s – Intent, Implementation and Impact. The intent of the deep dive is to seek to interrogate and establish a coherent evidence base on quality of education. Staffing Geography Deep Dive #EIF2019 Hi Paul, We had Ofsted a couple of weeks back- came in on two days with a team of 3. In order to assess curriculum quality against the framework’s Quality of Education judgment requirements, inspectors are doing ‘deep dives’ into subjects, agreed in the pre-inspection phone call with the head teacher. How do you know? SLT. Questions/issues Further information . Inspectors will draw evidence about leaders’ curriculum intent principally from discussion with senior and subject leaders. Understanding how any funding is being spent is an important one, and you’ll want to really think about how the money you’ve spent is making a difference. When inspectors choose the set of three-to-five deep dives with school leaders they will make sure that no subject/curriculum lead has to cover more than one deep dive with the inspector. Wanted evidence of everything. ... will always undertake a deep dive of reading. It is clear that there are some common questions that are popping up and they are a good starting point for our thinking. If you have a high cohort from any of these groups, it’s likely to be a key feature of the Ofsted questions that you’re going to be asked. The Ofsted Ready Department: Preparing for a Deep Dive The new Ofsted framework really gives more time to look at areas and subjects in some depth: the now-famous Jacques Cousteau ‘deep dive’. SEN Curriculum intent and quality assurance seminars – March 2020. P.E was chosen for the Deep Dive – to be honest the experience was intense yet enjoyable. Follows the 2019 new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework; Many of the questions apply across other subjects too – not just maths! Designed to support senior and middle leaders with responsibility for curriculum and/or quality assurance. Pupils have a good understanding of other cultures and religions. 3 Deep dives Summary Ofsted will inspect the quality of education in schools by carrying out ‘deep dives’ into a chosen sample of subjects. The below is taken from the School inspection handbook, May 2019. The deep dives apply the methodology of school improvement with laser precision. I can’t help it, every time I hear the phrase it conjures up for me an image of an OFSTED inspector, in a rubber swimming hat, goggles and baggy trunks preparing to dive into the depths of murky subject knowledge or the dearth of it. Last week on Wednesday one of my 8 Schools were the lucky winners of an Ofsted Inspection! Register to continue reading for free. 3. The deep dive approach will also be used for Section 8 inspections, as well as for Section 5 full inspections. The idea is that Ofsted will see how schools operate on a day-to-day basis. They are being asked, amongst other things, about: The twelfth Amazon Leadership Principle is “Dive Deep.” If you’re preparing for an interview at Amazon, you should ask yourself what Amazon means by dive deep and how this leadership principle applies to your role at the company. The ‘deep dive’ approach: Inspectors will take an in-depth, intense look at four to six different subject areas within the school – something Ofsted calls a ‘deep dive’. • Bring it together to ensure there are no systemic weaknesses. Work is too busy at the minute to type out another detailed account – but I have managed to type out all of the questions the inspector asked! 30-31 October Not a RE Deep Dive 12. • Undertake a Deep Dive gathering evidence about the Intent, Implemenation and Impact of the curriculum. Ofsted has often repeated its stance that schools and other providers do not need to do anything to prepare for inspections, or indeed the deep dive element. To what extent is the curriculum providing a challenge for all pupils? The new Ofsted method is to : • Share a Top Level view with leaders to consider the offer and to whom and when it is intended. The new Ofsted framework 2019 means that every inspected school will be subject to a deep dive into reading. Introduced in September 2019, Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework 2019 outlines the principles that underpin how inspectors will judge the effectiveness of schools and colleges. Use this informative guidance with editable proformas to develop effective monitoring of remote provision in your school. Curriculum intent . Put simply, a deep dive is an in-depth look by Ofsted inspectors at specific subjects in a school, based on the most recent Ofsted framework. Ofsted has thus added a new ‘Quality of Education’ focus to the framework, which seeks to ensure that schools are delivering a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’, and plans to hold schools accountable for this via a practice known as ‘Deep Dives’. Deep dive: then, a ‘deep dive’, which involves gathering evidence on the curriculum intent, implementation and impact over a sample of subjects, topics or aspects. GEOGRAPHY CO-ORDINATORS How do you ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of all pupils? Those depts involved with deep… What is a Deep Dive? Guiding you through questions and lines of enquiry, this workshop will help you feel prepared and ready to articulate your approach with clarity and confidence. It is, however, important … questions that teachers have raised about inspection. The phrase ‘deep dive’ is the latest new terminology to come out of OFSTED’s focus on the curriculum and how it is planned and delivered. Use this deep dive SEF for reading to help your educational setting to prepare for an Ofsted deep dive. What is the intent of your reading provision, how is your vision for reading implemented and how is its impact assessed? Do they all have an Ofsted fetish, asks Paul Judge these days will ensure that you are fully up-to-date with the new Ofsted expectations around curriculum and provide you with an opportunity to share ideas with other senior and middle leaders. Key points: Secondary Good Most leaders ensure that subjects are planned in a … Deep Dives are part of the new Ofsted Framework and it looks like inspectors will select 6 subjects to scrutinise. Preparation and Discussion Framework for School Leaders. Being one of the first schools locally to have a two-day section 8 inspection under the new framework, I thought I would share how it worked and what happened for governors. It has helpful ideas and suggestions of strategies you can use to evaluate and develop your remote provision. It is highly likely that at some point in your career as a middle leader you will be asked to talk about your role and the impact you are having. ‘Deep Dives’ are clearly going to be a feature of inspections under the revised framework. This is done in collaboration with leaders, teachers and pupils. Preparing for Ofsted can be a daunting process, and changes to the framework may add to the feeling of uncertainty. Curriculum. Below are a number of key points, notes, and questions from people who have experienced a PE deep dive in PE recently.

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