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• Due to the fragile nature of upland soils and steep slopes much of the UDP area has been classified as not suitable for upland crops or even for orchards. The total agricultural land use on steep slopes can be a measure of increased soil erosion which could also cause sediment in streams and lakes. The slanted attachment, depending on its rotational or swing capabilities, may or may not be in the Groundcovers for Steep Slopes. When machines with no self-leveling characteristics are used on steep slopes, the operator sits at a slanted attitude. Researchers have argued that reforestation or plantations with perennial crops offer solutions for soil erosion in steep slopes regions (Lal and Stewart 2013). Steep slopes present both challenges and wonderful opportunities for landscaping. Minimum disruption of soil and maintenance of permanent groundcover, two CA pillars, reduce erosion and can increase soil health and productivity. We examine agricultural and social indicators of the tropical American steep slopes. Armed with the right steep-slope logging equipment, Newton and Island Pacific Logging are reaching new heights of productivity and safety on some of the continent’s steepest slopes. Erosion can be a serious problem if vegetation is not established. • “The permanent cultivation of upland in a hot humid climate presents some of the most troublesome problems of tropical agriculture” (Ruthenberg). Steep-slope logging is a new frontier in North America, and Lyle Newton was eager to take it on. A long history of human habitation perhaps is the overriding factor in what type of agriculture ended up on different slopes: west of the Rhône river south of Lyon, the rolling granaries give way to hillier apricot and cherry orchards before finally dropping off down the steep faces of St. Joseph et al. Plants for Steep Slopes Perhaps the most challenging landscaping problem is that of what to plant on a steep slope. Equipment Suitable for Steeper Slopes Some specialized machines are designed for slopes up to 100% and even steeper. Runoff and erosion plot results are discussed and a design criteria proposed for relating slope length to gradient so that annual soil loss will not be excessive. The potential soil erosion from agricultural lands is related to the steepness of slopes being cultivated, soil type and the farming methods used. For the whole region, these areas currently produce between 20 and 40% of total agricultural output, have 20–50% of total agricultural land in annual crops, contain 30–50% of the farming population, and have the worst poverty. Steep banks can be difficult and dangerous to mow. Soil erosion in steep-slope regions is a constant problem for sustainability when the natural cover has been removed and agriculture based on annual crops is implemented (Tuahn et al. Winning the Uphill Battle. When disturbed, steep slopes are highly susceptible to erosion, landslides, and subsidence, which—in addition to constraining development and resource extraction—can endanger the public, degrade water quality, and damage structures.Furthermore, extensive earthwork or removal of vegetation on steep slopes can transform scenic views into eyesores. Methods of agricultural development on steep slopes in Korea (contour farming, bench terracing and semi-bench terracing) are evaluated. Small-scale farming in Ecuador's highlands is associated with excessive soil erosion, degradation of soil health, and agricultural productivity loss. Conservation agriculture (CA) offers promise in these areas. 2014). Slopes require plants that can establish quickly, tolerant of fluctuating soil moisture and potentially poor nutrient availability, and require little care once established. Introduction.

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