is america needs fatima approved by the catholic church

My only experience with TFP is that they’re always at the national March for Life but they’re one of those groups that are obviously there only to be seen. * Dr. Plinio’s mission is to defeat “the revolution,” the Communistic and/or demonic forces which are corrupting the human race. It started in Brazil. They were not even familiar with the World Apostolate of Fatima,"… the only Fatima apostolate which speaks officially to the world in the name of the Church and with the authority of the Church…" It advocates faith and morals based on the teachings of the Virgin Mary, particularly based on the visions of an apparition of her reported by three children in Fátima, Portugal in 1917.[1]. I will continue to be their friend. How can you accuse such nice Catholics of being members of a cult?Answer: TFPers are drawn from the “cream of the crop” of young Catholic men, well-brought-up and serious about their faith. –Fr. Parish. Writer Thomas Case noted that, in the mid-1970s, TFP had been repeatedly accused by the Brazilian authorities of “inducement to flight, reckless transfer, and concealment of minors”–and this despite TFP’s own slavish devotion to the military regime. According to The Fatima Center, it wasn't until 1930 that the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima declared the events of 1917 "worthy of belief." Arturo Sosa visits, blesses, endorses Deshanur temple-church. They had become useless. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. When his mission on earth is fulfilled, he will walk into an earthly paradise and then ascend into heaven. Their own good qualities make them targets of the group’s recruitment and their own sincere desire to serve God makes them vulnerable to the lure of the group. That was the era of [its] obedience to Monsignors Duarte and Leme. We all knew that something was wrong both in the world and in the Church. Trott, Josephine. It was influential throughout Brazil. Even less so, those of their leader, Plinio. As a member, I lived at “the TFP seat” in Mount Kisco, New York where I received the training and indoctrination that all members are given. I have not been brainwashed, never been demanded to attend meetings or even give money. I was just wondering what your thoughts were. Consider the sanctuary lamp. Along with that declaration was an approval to establish the "cult of Our Lady of Fatima," but they also stress that others within the Church … Who are the people running this site? Winning the heart and soul of America for Mary by spreading the Fatima message. Chumin, Nancy. Gruner as a suspended priest and that the consecration of Russia did take place correctly, it never addressed the organization, “America Needs Fatima”. Second, years ago I called the organization to find out a little more about them. Fr. I have attended meetings in UK, America and Brazil, and have never felt any pressure to do anything contrary to my conscience, or anything that has seemed contrary to my Faith. Those who leave are called “apostates”, even if they remain faithful Catholics. Only Mary can help us. The group has enemies but, to my knowledge, it is most sound, most Catholic, and loyal to the Vatican. Many leaders of the American right are and have been Catholics, including William F. Buckley, Jr., Phyllis Schlafly, Pat Buchanan, and Paul Weyrich. No one who really knows the truth of this group (which is easy to know by calling their bishop) would think of them as anything but Satanic and nuts. They have summer camps for boys and very often those boys become involved with TFP and decide to join them. It was to the Apostles only that Jesus said: Go and teach all nations. Home. Create New Account. Log In. What does the Catholic Church say regarding prophecies? Published 10:54 pm CDT, Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Therefore the bishops of Brazil exhort Catholics not to join TFP or collaborate with it. Trigilio endorsing this group. The World Apostolate of Fatima – Our Lady’s Blue Army has been spreading the message of Fatima to a world in need since 1947. Before his death on October 3, 1995, Dr. Plinio often prophesied that he would see the battle of Armageddon within his own lifetime. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 2,495 check-ins. –Desmond Birch, moderator. Its esoteric character, religious fanaticism, worship offered to the person of its head and founder, the misuse of the name of Mary Most Holy, according to reports, cannot deserve to be approved in any form by the Church.

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