gatsby contentful rich text image

In addition, on each render cycle, we are syntax highlighting using the useEffect method and PrismJS. Last but not least, we have to configure PrismJS to include what languages we want to support. A Space within Contentful serves as a storage area for content that will be used in your website and can be configured to serve specific purposes. Rich text is a new JSON format for handling complex content structures in a strongly typed manner. There were other methods that I explored to render code snippets in a Gatsby-Contentful app. Both Contentful and OCE offer solutions that allow developers to consume rich text gracefully by traversing an abstract syntax tree (AST) generated by the rich text structures. Parses Contentful Rich Text document. Contentful currently requires a placholder Image on one section; You can just add a section named Placeholder Content with an Image and the CMS will load correctly; The data schema is as follows: Page: Title: short Text (250 characters) Page Type: Short text (250 characters) - Used to render specific page templates in the code Using Rich Text with the Contentful Source plugin Before using Rich Text with the popular React.js Framework Gatsby you have to install the Contentful Source plugin first. When querying images you can use the fixed, fluid or resize nodes to get different sizes for the image (for example for using gatsby-image).Their usage is documented at the gatsby-plugin-sharp package. In addition, Rich Text Format utilizes Contentful’s embedded entry feature. Cheers! This is a umbrella PR for the next major/breaking version of gatsby-source-contentful This branch is published tagged as next. If we wanted to have more highlighting capabilities, we would have to add it within this useEffect hook.Â. All Rights Reserved. Here’s what that looks like: Voila! Gatsby, Contentful, Netlify work well together and provide a great alternative to traditional CMS; we call them a triple threat. by, @contentful/rich-text-plain-text-renderer. Choose “text” (short text) and under the “appearance” tab, pick “slug”. Please follow the link to learn more details\?\=contentful\#contentful-rich-text, Last updated 2 years ago Content Preview for your Contentful-Gatsby site with Next.js ... the article and make sure images/text never overlapped depending on the content. This provides a compelling alternative to solely consuming plain text, and I leverage rich text and embedded images extensively in … The sample blog in the Contentful guide is a static site built with Gatsby.js and can be deployed to any static site hosting provider. | That’s something that Gatsby does offer without a hassle. Try it out in your projects: npm i gatsby-source-contentful@next Planned changes Refactor the rich text implementation for performance and usability #24905 Further performance improvements (execute deprecration from #25473 and implement contentful/contentful … Embed that markdown entry into your Rich Text editor. From here, we’ll add a new field into our newly created content type and select ‘Long Text”. Content is described and stored using a data model which we call content types; these are entirely configurable. Why tool choice matters more than ever when it comes to delivering great results quickly. Embedded entries empower the engineering team to design, develop, and implement features such as image carousels, embedded social media posts, quote blocks, and, in our case here, code snippets. The gatsby-source-contentful plugin offers full support for . Syntax highlight the markdown with PrismJS. The Embed Entrybutton on the top right embeds a Contentful entry on a block level or on an inline level. Rich Text. | Embedded entries. Gatsby uses a plugin interface with a rich and active community behind it that is constantly improving upon what they’ve masterfully created. After adding the plugin you will be able to query the html representation of the rich text field. Step #3: Connecting Contentful to Gatsby. What is Contentful rich text? Instead it implements Rich Text as a single field which holds a tree with any embedded Contentful nodes eagerly resolved and inlined directly. This is the JSON rendition of the rich text field that holds the event details. You’ve definitely used it before: you enter your content and use the formatting bar to add headings, add bullet points or a numbered list, add bolding to your text, etc. The renderNode keys should be one of the following BLOCKS and INLINES properties as defined in @contentful/rich-text-types: The renderMark keys should be one of the following MARKS properties as defined in @contentful/rich-text-types: Copyright 2013 - present © I am building a new site with Gatsby and using Contentful for the CMS. The last, but not least, slightly obvious benefit is the editing flexibility that Rich Text Format provides with the functionality of easily selecting heading types 1 - 6, to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text, listing out bullet points, and many more. Render the markdown using markdown-it npm package. It is represented by the rich text field in Contentful. Help with contentful rich text renderer and react hooks setState I have a question regarding contentful rich text render and react using hooks. In my blog post, I added 2 images, first one is a Link type asset (image by search media in contentful), and second one is a imported media from my computer. ... From lines 43 to 55, your have your Image component using the gatsby-image plugin which contains your avatar. Check out the example site at var cnzz_protocol = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? " A content containing the content of the article as a rich text field or long text field. Feel free to play around with the configuration to support desired languages and themes.Â, TLDR: Create a markdown content type for code snippets. Here is more information on embedding entries and accessing the embedded data in the Contentlful API response. gatsby-transformer-contentful-richtext. Next, we’re going to create our React component that will render the markdown into HTML with markdown-it and proceed to syntax highlight our markdown with PrismJS since we now have our markdown response from the Contentful API. https://" : " http://");document.write(unescape("%3Cspan id='cnzz_stat_icon_5757157'%3E%3C/span%3E%3Cscript src='" + cnzz_protocol + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); @contentful/gatsby-transformer-contentful-richtext, Package no longer supported. Before we deep dive into the matter at hand, let’s familiarize ourselves briefly with the tools we are setting up our workaround for. Other than the above specifics, the component is a simple React component which return an Antd calendar instance. One thing with Gatsby though is that Gatsby starter projects contain a default .babelrc setup that works for most sites. The menu bar at the top provides authors with all the formatting capabilities along with creating links to a static URL, a Contentful entry, and a Contentful asset. Explore how the sample website is built with Contentful The content of the site is structured so that it is easy to reuse, and can work with any layout you can dream up. Create a new empty space by opening the sidebar menu and adding a Space. For example, if we were to syntax highlight with Javascript, we would use the following: Once we’ve created our Markdown entry, it’s time for us to embed it into our Contentful rich text editor. Under the “Appearance” tab, select “Markdown”. In this lesson, you will learn how to render Contentful Rich text in your Gatsby website as well as customizing styling for every node types like Heading and embedded assets. Next, we’re going to need to create the actual markdown entry and embed it into our Contentful rich text editor. Â. We’ll create a simple Markdown entry for now. In addition, Rich Text Format utilizes Contentful’s embedded entry feature. The full code is in that thread. Once you have done that you can query Rich Text content with the following GraphQL query: Just modify it to your use case. Gatsby, Contentful & Net To display them, you need to customize how certain node types are rendered. “Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps” - Gatsby front page.Â, Now in my own words, Gatsby is a static site generator that bundles all the latest web development practices from webpack configuration, progressive web app philosophies, and development environment usability to optimizing your code for performance with techniques such as code splitting, code minification, and image processing.Â. I could describe how to do it in depth, but instead here’s a screenshot: For the sake of brevity, I will not be going over how to access that data in the API response. In order to do that, we’ll have to introduce our own .babelrc file and load gatsby’s babel presets along with our PrismJS babel plugin. Fortunately there is a React renderer for the Contentful rich text field type, which expects the JSON response and generates HTML. The advantages of each would be based on the size and formatting flexibility of each text format model. I opted for easy configuration using the babel plugin: babel-plugin-prismjs, however there are more verbose alternatives to load the language support. Contentful is a headless CMS with all the latest capabilities in managing your content from having an intuitive, customizable interface to optimizing for all different types of software and devices with their substantial SDK ecosystem and robust APIs.Â, There were several options that we could have used for modeling our blog content. I want to be able to map through my query and save both the name and the rich text description and change the state based on clicking through tabs. To syntax highlight based on the language, the markdown block will be prepended with the language of your choice. Using Rich Text Format from the perspective of a non-technical blog writer, we are able to easily link assets such as static images within the flow of our blog article. If you’ve made it this far, congratulations on your new code snippets for your Gatsby-Contentful app. But when I wanted to display my body (rich text), I didn't understand how to print the embedded image link. The above code dynamically generated blog pages basis the markup defined in the template file and the slug that is being fetched from Contentful in the building process of your Gatsby site. When querying images you can use the fixed, fluid or resize nodes to get different sizes for the image (for example for using gatsby-image).Their usage is documented at the gatsby-plugin-sharp package. If you take a look at the returned data in the GraphiQL IDE, you will find your embedded image URL and title in the embedded-asset-block node. To do that, we can create a new Content Type under the “Content Model” tab in your Contentful dashboard. By using this site, you agree to thePrivacy Policy. There were existing plugins such as gatsby-remark-vscode that I initially aimed to leverage, however this plugin is a dependency of gatsby-transformer-remark which directly parses local markdown files. In the end, we chose Rich Text Format due to its support/ease of integration with Contentful and its formatting capabilities which include the ability to dynamically link and embed assets and entries within the general flow of text.Â. Now your code snippets should be rendering and highlighted as such. support/ease of integration with Contentful, embedding entries and accessing the embedded data in the Contentlful API response. First things first, we’re going to need to create a new markdown Content Type that can be used to create code snippets. Gatsby's integration with the Contentful Image API See examples Localization. Rendering the Contentful Rich Text Images By default, embedded images are ignored. I am Contentful's product manager working on our Rich Text editor and we recently released an improvement in the gatsby-source-contentful plugin where it doesn't return a flattened HTML string anymore but the Rich Text AST as a JSON object, with all … Rich Text is the simplest and most commonly used editor type. The options include either a long block of text, Markdown, or Rich Text Format. Install npm install --save @contentful/gatsby-transformer-contentful-richtext Style it as you like! Home We recommend using @contentful/rich-text-react-renderer package. The caveat with our Gatsby-Contentful app is that our data is stored and managed through the Contentful API, thus not allowing us to leverage these existing plugins. Copyright ©2021 Tech Holding. Here’s what that looks like: In this snippet of code, we’re creating a React component that receives markdown as a prop and returns a div that sets the innerHTML  to the rendered output of markdown-it’s instance. In your project src directory create a new folder named templates and create a file named blog.js in it. It is strongly recommended that you take a look at how data flows in a real Contentful and Gatsby application to fully understand how the queries, Node.js functions and React components all come together. Gatsby does not use Contentful’s GraphQL design where text structure and links are distinct fields that can be queried independently (represented as textand linksfields in Contentful GraphQL). In our case, we want to add a custom plugin to our default .babelrc. For additional information on creating content types, see these Contentful docs for more. Check @trptcolin/gatsby-source-contentful 2.1.87-1 package - Last release 2.1.87-1 with MIT licence at our NPM packages aggregator and search engine. On your gatsby node, grab all the images from the rich text; pass it down to your template; use the images to filter allContentfulAsset where you can query fluid image; then match the image url from rtf with contentful asset. I have recently started adding embedded entries within some rich text fields, which were working well until today when sometimes the response returned only a small amount of data compared to what it … Contentful's localization features.. Our sample space includes products localized into both English and German.An entry and asset node are created for each locale following fallback rules for missing localization. Ultimately, this led to the team creating a new unique solution that we are glad to share with you today. The Gridsome Contentful source plugin doesn’t (yet, as far as I know) support the built-in images API. Configure .babelrc file to include babel-preset-gatsby(if you haven’t done this already), babel-plugin-prismjs, and language, plugin, and theme support for PrismJS.Â. More on Queries with Contentful and Gatsby. Beta Contentful Rich Text Embedded entries empower the engineering team to design, develop, and implement features such as image carousels, embedded social media posts, quote blocks, and, in our case here, code snippets. var embeddedAssetCount = 0; /** * Used to render embedded images or videos in a Rich Text field via the Contentful GraphQL API.

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