ark base designs

Ironhide managed to bring the eruption to a halt by shooting down some rocks. The Agenda (Part III) Fortunately, the Maximals were able to repair the damage to Optimus, saving his spark and thus preserving the future. Before Prime departed for the Ark, he ordered Punch to ensure that their ship never be found, no matter what. Secrets & Lies #4, Some four million years later, in 1017, the Autobot scout ship Mantlo picked up a lead on the Ark. Disclosure: We may sometimes use affiliate links to reputable retailers like Amazon. He then fired at Optimus Prime's head, which created a time storm. At that point, he had deemed the plan to destroy the deactivated Autobots aboard her and change the outcome of the Great War as a last-chance gamble should he ever be backed into a corner with little hope of escape. It's no more difficult to weather-seal a tilting/articulated screen than it is to weather-seal a battery door or a card door. The Nothing Man. Escape Part Two, The Ark was the Autobot flagship. Prime's Directive, Part Two, Fleeing overwhelming Decepticon odds, Optimus Prime's Autobots took the life-giving AllSpark aboard the Ark during their exodus; Ghosts of Cybertron Part 4 their timing proved fortuitous, as the world-destroyer Gozer arrived on Cybertron shortly after their departure and swiftly destroyed the planet. However, Tarantulas betrayed him and set the Ark to self-destruct. Natural Selection, Part Two, For two years after the crash, Spike and Fortress Maximus kept the Ark isolated until Spike called it quits in 1994 so as to live a normal life. So without further ado, let’s begin! Such a situation came to pass while he was a prisoner aboard Ravage's transwarp cruiser, and he convinced the former Decepticon to free him by revealing his plan. On Gorlam Prime he found wreckage of the correct type and age to come from the ship, and far beneath the surface, he discovered a vast inter-dimensional portal. is it a village? It is also easily accessible and the tutorial is very detailed which will make the building process much easier! After a few straggling Autobots had boarded, the Ark flew after the Allspark, only for the shock of transit to disable the ship. It was Prime's hope that with so many of the finest Autobots aboard the Ark, that Decepticon High Command would personally attack, whereupon Optimus would crash the warship on some alien world, and by removing Megatron from the equation it would leave the Autobots on Cybertron with a fighting chance against whatever remained of the Decepticon army. Is it a castle? Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details for Escape Part Two follow. Megatron took command of the Ark, but apparently kept it (with Ratchet on ice, and Shockwave's head in a jar) as his new headquarters on Earth. Dinobots The base's nerve center was the supercomputer Teletraan I. During Grimlock's first term as Autobot leader, he had the ship repaired Used Autobots and returned to space. The Autobots seemed to be preparing to re-launch it after the crash of the Decepticon space cruiser, More than Meets the Eye, Part 3 but months later, both the Autobots and the ship remained on Earth. ARK: Survival Evolved – The 10 Best Base Builds / Designs for PvE ARK's gameplay is based on taming, crafting, exploration, and of course, building! Wheeljack installed within them the minds of five Autobot warriors, which were encoded in crystals before the Autobots left Cybertron. Transformers/Back to the Future #2, During Cybertron's Age of Expansion, Ark-class vessels were used to transport colonists to the newly founded Cybertronian colonies. Its stated mission was to plot a safe passage from the Cybertronian Quadrant of the galaxy through the Benzuli Expanse, though its true mission was Expansion. Repeat Performance! Here’s Sven P’s take on a “tek-based” pyramid building, since pyramids have been around for many centuries it’s not a surprise that ARK’s finest builders make their versions of classic cultural architecture in-game. Observing that he was walking in the hallowed halls of the past as somebody who was soon to change the very course of history, he flew to the prone form of Optimus Prime and unleashed a torrent of pent-up rage over what he felt was Maximal injustice toward the conquered Predacons. Channel Link: The design doesn’t follow completely the original structure of a pyramid, as it is blended with a star-shaped architecture, making it a bit more futuristic. When this was done and her reserves depleted, the Decepticons attacked and boarded her. G.I. The Maximals tried to bring the Ark online and use it to fight against the Nemesis, but the engines had been idle for too long. Following a titanic battle, they used it to leave Cybertron and head out into the cosmos, only for the ship to be attacked by Megatron's forces. If you save something please Hit the Follow button, Thanks. The Transformers. Who wouldn’t enjoy the view of ARK’s world from above? Destiny, Part Five, The two took the Ark to a nearby asteroid belt to recover their strength but Shockwave insisted that Starscream take the ship elsewhere lest they be detected by the Autobots. Ghosts of Cybertron Part 5, In the meantime, the Ark hid itself behind the dark side of Earth's moon until Ectronymous—now calling himself "Ectotron"—called to request Optimus Prime's assistance. Despite being separated from the ship, Shockwave was able to exert remote control over it and used it to sever several connections between planets. As obviously expected, one does not simply exclude Asian architecture and this stunning pagoda, made by Cindewittchen, couldn’t be excluded from this list. No wonder, if a fund house of such fame announces that it is starting a space-focused ETF, space stocks and ETFs will simply fly off. A later reference book uses the term to refer to. Whatever remained was destroyed to keep it out of human hands. It has a main computer designated. The Scotsmen killed the Decepticon and took its parts, fleeing the island after the local druids realized they had desecrated the holy place. Natural Selection, Part Two Realizing the Ark was still air-worthy, Galvatron began its launching sequence. Knowledge is an important pillar of Black Desert Online because it makes up all your energy points. Rock and Roll-Out! Still Life! Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5. There would always be updates when it comes to designs and eventually, house designs too. With no shields, the Ark was caught in the blast of the Mercenary craft's destruction, sending it down to the planet for a crash landing, its landing site found by a Velociraptor. Four million years later, Mount St. Hilary erupted, jarring the ship back to life. G.I. Its environment is fully automated and self-sufficient. Hoping to end the threat of Megatron forever, Optimus Prime purposely crashed the ship into the passing planet Earth. Transformers: Devastation, The comic version of the ship tends to have a more squared-off look to it and is frequently (though not always) shown as being a metallic silver. I'm extremely excited to review... EA's trying to break all records with the amount of Sims 4 expansion packs, game packs, and stuff packs that are available, and I... Microsoft has always been a PC software vendor since 1972, but in 2001 they also released their first console. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/30. Fearing the increased geological instability that was plaguing Cybertron, Straxxus hauled an Ark out of storage and ordered it brought back online as an escape ship. Following the destruction of the Ferrotaxis, Optimus and Wheeljack returned to the ship to discuss plans for the Optimus Maximus project. Eventually, the craft was found by the arms trafficker Destro, who passed the information on to the terrorist organization Cobra. Leadfoot called foul on the story as despite Megatron's tactical skills, the Decepticon leader lacked the engineering and medical knowledge necessary to reboot and reprogram the Ark as well as to reanimate the corpses. The caves revealed a treasure trove of dinosaur bones, which became the inspiration for the Dinobots. Forest Titan Treehouse Mansion, ARK: Survival Evolved. Known passengers on this first Ark include: Dai Atlas was meant to be part of the crew, but lost his place after defying Nova Prime. Before he could dig into the mystery even more, he was overtaken by a strange group of Transformers who captured him and messed with his head, eventually erasing his memory of being there at all. What happened to the Ark in the interim is unknown, but when the Autobots later departed Earth to flee World War III, they did so aboard Fortress Maximus. According to Blackarachnia, the Ark was launched under the command of Optimus Prime, carrying a group of the Autobots' "finest heroes". The staircase was placed inside a tall tower, on the edge of a cliff, making it extra-breathtaking! Rock and Roll-Out! Some of the game's best builders have uploaded their awesome creations online, and we scavenged & listed the best of them for you to enjoy! They were not enough to save it from destruction at the hands of the giant Decepticon Trypticon, however. Another basic element of the game is building, which is used to create bases for you, your loot, and the Dinos you will tame! Using Spin-Out's head and its still active transponder, Toxitron managed to breach the factory where the Ark's engine array was being built only for a mighty punch from Jetfire to send him into one of the incomplete engines, the toxic Decepticon's sludge devouring it. It was launched to clear a path for the wandering planet Cybertron through an asteroid field. Among them were the Ark-7, Ark-12, Ark-17, Ark-19, Ark-27, and Ark-32. Once aboard, the corrupted Creation Matrix fought the Autobots through his vessel, Thunderwing, who was beating everyone up until Nightbeat harpooned him with the shuttle and opened the cargo bay doors. Black, Base, 24-70mm. Wheeljack installed within them the minds of five Autobot warriors, which were encoded in crystals before the Autobots left Cybertron. All Fall Down, The Ark hung around near Earth for a time, until it was abandoned in orbit when Primus teleported all nearby Transformers back to Cybertron to face Unicron. Not willing to risk taking something that might be noticed missing from the Axalon's shell, they instead took what they need from the Ark. In appearance, the ship tends to have a more rounded, ovoid look to it and is a golden yellow color. Hacking into Teletraan I, Rumble used the ship's systems to revive the Decepticons, and only the Decepticons, before Megatron decided that the time traveller had outlived his usefulness and executed him. While the latter two went to work repairing the ship and its stasis-locked crew, the others conducted scouting operations. ARK: Survival Evolved is an online multiplayer survival game that has some light RPG elements, in which players take the role of a survivor who is trying to progress through the world and gain experience, upgrade stats or gather materials in order to survive in a wild biome full of Dinos! Escape Part One. Consider this list 99% perfect and accurate, since... Wraith is the second most picked legend in the game, she utilizes a fast moving tactical that allows her to stepInto The Void, escape... We all have that one friend that is into anything that has to do with zombies. Siege episode 6, The Fool's Fortune docked with the Ark as its Mercenary crew boarded the Autobot ship. G.I. Some would prefer the contemporary way or classic perhaps. He smashed the guns, then blasted the entire mountain to rubble. Creator: Cindewittchen Inert once again, the Ark drifted aimlessly through space, its crew inactive, until Teletraan I reactivated when it detected an unknown starship on an intercept course with the Ark. Natural Selection, Part Five Having decided to stay on Earth, Natural Selection, Part Two Optimus Prime made his way to the Ark to destroy it and arrived just in time to see it take off glimpsing Galvatron on the bridge and mistaking him for Megatron. The Church Of The Titan Tamer, ARK: Survival Evolved. The resulting battle ended in an Autobot victory but left Cloudraker critically wounded, prompting Fastlane to return his brother to the Mantlo for medical attention. Sideways Skyscraper, ARK: Survival Evolved, Creator: Sven P You know, that one friend that is a... Logitech is the master of computer mouse engineering, and the MX Master series couldn't have a more appropriate name! The original Ark, retroactively given the designation Ark-1, and its crew were granted a memorial in the form of the Ark-1 Memorial Grounds. Heavy Metal War Laserbeak was known to use the volcano's crater as an entry/exit point when on spying missions. Following their reactivation, the crashed ship became the Autobots base.More Than Meets The Eye It was destroyed in 2004 while Ratchet and Brawn countered a Decepticon attack headed by Starscream and Bruticus. It has five decks and houses a full crew complement of 300 Transformers (although it can be flown by only a handful if necessary). Having a brainwave, Spike skimmed a manual on how to operate Teletraan I, before activating the engines for a moment, the force of the exhaust toppling the combiner. They joined the console market... Estimating the population of an MMO game is a daunting task, and publishers are not willing to share their numbers on these matters. However, using a shuttle housed in the Ark, Rhinox was able to damage the Nemesis and capture Megatron. Channel Link: It was recovered this time by Shockwave and Starscream, who repaired it and took it to Earth to conquer that planet with it. This page was last modified on 14 February 2021, at 07:41. Bullets, Over the eras following its loss, rumor, myth, and legend sprang up around the ship, obscuring the few existing facts surrounding its fate. Child's Play The Ark served as a base of operations of sorts for the various search parties during the Matrix quest. Once on Earth, he apparently found the crash site of the Ark, but buried the entrance to the interior of the volcano. Faced with their foes' reanimation, the Decepticons took their leave from the ship and scouted the area, finding the Ark to be their only obstacle to conquering the planet. Earthrise episode 3, After a battle with the Decepticons and the Scorponok had caused the station to collapse, the Autobots retreated to the Ark. and weapons. Humans began to venerate the cavernous ship and its frozen inhabitants as a holy place, and by medieval times a group of Cobra druid-priests worked to protect the "island of the gods" from outsiders. The Ark is a Vanguard-class Deep Space Interceptor. The Toxic Transformer. Games of Deception, In the realm of Zero Space, someone witnessed the Ark crashing on Earth in the planet's prehistoric era and its second crash in the planet's twentieth century. A vehicle resembling Grapple's alt mode and called "Hauler" is also seen shortly after the Autobots revived on Earth and may represent another crew member. Unable to speak, Starscream lead the time-lost Decepticon to Shockwave. After Arcee had shown the T-800 around the warship's armory, the unit helped itself to some explosives, surreptitiously scattering them around the Ark, later remotely detonating them, causing a violent explosion to consume the ship. Escape Part Two When the Decepticons came to power and targeted the Xeno-Quarter, Wheeljack and Hoist turned to the idea of reactivating the Ark-class as a means of evacuating the alien immigrants in the absence of the Titans. Transport to Oblivion. Siege episode 5, With the vessel exposed, the Decepticon army unleashed its full might against it, the ship only being saved when Bumblebee's group brought pilfered ingots of raw energon. It hasn't wiped out the idea of shopping in an exceedingly physical store, but it gave the consumers an alternative means to shop and a bigger market that offers bigger … The War to End All Wars, Part 1 The Underbase then possessed Starscream and took full control of the Ark to confront Jhiaxus as it provided exposition to Shockwave. Loose Ends, Part 4 The Guardians did not register Circuit Smasher as a threat, however, and he was able to enter the ship, managing to overload Aunty and stop her from carrying out Megatron's order of nuking the Earth into nothing. This masterpiece requires limitless patience and creativity, and we can not even begin to fathom how many hours, days or weeks have been put into creating this! The War to End All Wars, Part 4, The two set course back for Cybertron but found the planet had been taken over by the Dark Matrix entity with the population being converted into shadow-leeches. Channel Link: Dinobot Island, Part 2 Early on, a small module serving as Ratchet's medical center sat near the main entrance, More than Meets the Eye, Part 1 but was later removed. Nemesis Part 2, Razorbeast and his small, temporally displaced group traveled to the Maximal encampment in the volcano in order to obtain tools to repair the transwarp signal booster which they hoped to find in the wreckage of Ravage's transwarp cruiser. High quality Ark Survival gifts and merchandise. Transformers G1: Awakening, The Ark acted as a hub for the Autobots, with the group returning there after each completed mission to recharge and to upgrade their T.E.C.H. At no point in the comics does it explain why it rebuilt the Dinobots based on the dominant organic life, and yet it could only assimilate mechanical life in 1984. He eventually got a lead on possible remains of the ship, but it turned out to be a trap specifically set to draw him in. Their battle caused the ship to crash to Earth again, this time into the Canadian wilderness. The Ark constructed five new Transformer bodies. Joe and told them all about their findings. During Grimlock's first term as Autobot leader, he had the ship repaired Used Autobots and returned to space. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. The Scotsmen travelled into the sacred grotto, warned not to disturb the resting gods within. When the Decepticon ship picked up the Ark, Counterpunch swiftly executed Wingspan, sending the Decepticons after his fellow Autobots with a vengeful fury. Enemy of My Enemy Part Two, Once the T-800 had reluctantly agreed to an alliance with the Autobots, Optimus, Bumblebee and Sarah brought Arcee, Velocity, Wheeljack and Ratchet back online. The Ark left Cybertron four million years ago to shoot down asteroids, and subsequently crashed on Earth after it was pursued and boarded by the Decepticons. There are also those who would already prefer Modern House Designs applied to their dream houses. For a survival game, it also sports one of the most astounding graphics engines ever. '84 #0, The Ark included a mind bank, which stored the copied engrams of several other Autobots: Grapple, Skids, Hoist, Smokescreen, Skids, and a spark containment module which kept their life forces in magnetic containment. Meeting the exiled Sky Lynx, who asked for a spot on the ship, Optimus Prime was able to use the power of the Matrix of Leadership to open a path back to normal space for the Autobots. Just as its warp drive was primed, the Nemesis struck the ship, Earthrise episode 4 the exotic mix of energies transporting the Ark to the Dead Universe. As the Decepticons boarded the weakened ship, the Fool's Fortune, now under Deseeus' command arrived to attack both Cybertronian ships. The base's geographic location proved a liability on at least two occasions, when Decepticon-induced calamities caused the volcano to become active again. A build of massive proportions, made by The Pilgrimz Project structured on the biggest dinosaur in the game! Buy Tangkula Wood TV Stand for 65” Television, TV Ark with Sliding Barn Doors, Wooden TV Cabinet with 2 Center Compartments and 2 Cabinets, Barn Door TV Stand, Natural Design (White Oak): Television Stands & Entertainment Centers - … The presence of damaged equipment in the base (presumably, damaged when the ship crashed) implies that the Ark and Autobot Headquarters are one and the same. S.O.S. Natural Selection, Part One Galvatron threw his former lieutenant against the wall and demanded to know what made him return to the Ark. səm; Amharic: አክሱም AkÌ sum), is a historical town in Tigray Region, Ethiopia and the site of the historic capital of the Aksumite Empire.It was a tourist town until the Tigray Conflict started in November 2020 with … For most people, building a house or base in Studio Wildcard’s dinosaur-filled Ark: Survival Evolved is simply a case of putting down four walls, a roof, and a foundation. The original crew of the Ark consisted of: After coming back online, the Decepticons immediately departed. Another stunning creation by Sven P, made with a mix of wood and stone, and built on a Forest Titan’s back! Fortunately, Blackarachnia was able to deactivate the overload. Primus: All Good Things Tailgate was supposed to rinse out the Ark's coolant chutes before it took off, but fell down a hole and wasn't missed. Some of the game's best builders have uploaded their awesome creations online, and we scavenged & listed the best of them for you to enjoy! When they arrived over the devastated Earth, Megatron took advantage of their shock to shoot them down. is it a church? Joe vs. the Transformers issue 2, Following the defeat of Cobra and the Decepticons, the government helped the Autobots construct a new Ark with which to return to Cybertron. However, the Autobots remained in their crashed ship, which served as their base of operations: Autobot Headquarters. Joe vs. the Transformers issue 6, 6.2 million meta-cycles ago, the first legendary vessel to be designated as the Ark was launched from Cybertron under the command of Nova Prime. Maximize Performance and Productivity with Intel and Partner IP Portfolio. As the warriors made their way to the entrance, the Ark ejected Guardian units. Look no further because this Speed Boat is all you need. Despite the escalation of war, Prime insisted that only the finest material and equipment be used. The United States government subsequently dug up the Ark, dismantled it, and brought the pieces to Roswell for study. Speak, Memory: Part 1, Twenty-thousand astro-cycles out, the Ark disappeared when Galvatron intentionally piloted it directly into the anomaly within the Benzuli Expanse under the orders of Nova Prime. When the passing of the Nominus Edict ended Cybertron's era of colonization, four ships of the class that remained on Cybertron were mothballed, being stripped down to their engines before being placed at Darkmount. When Megatron's forces attacked the Ark, Optimus put his suicide maneuver into play and sent both the Autobots and their Decepticon attackers crashing into Earth, which knocked them all offline. Over time, the Autobots modified and expanded their base. An elevator provided passage to upper levels within the volcano, Enter the Nightbird and a retractable door sealed off the volcano's crater. Fans have generally called it the Ark, however, borrowing the name from its comics counterpart. During Megatron's massive assault on Autobot City in 2005, Autobot Headquarters fell under assault by Menasor and Bruticus. The Gathering issue 3, The Ark was Vanguard-class Deep Space Interceptor. The Void! The anomaly turned out to be a gateway to a region known as the Dead Universe, which instantly killed most of the crew as they crossed through. En route, Galvatron reflected that in this timeline, he would rule Cybertron. When Megatron baited the Wreckers to Washington, D.C., Springer thought the Ark would be relatively unguarded and thus open to assault. A Savage Circle. Micro-Aggressions. Creator: The Pilgrimz Project '84 #0. This plan was foiled by Galvatron, Megatron and Ratchet crashing the party. Prime planed for the ship to be used in locating Energon on other planets and aiding worlds threatened by the Decepticons. The... For Honor boasts a huge and diverse roster of 28 heroes, split into 4 Roles (Assassin, Heavy, Hybrid & Vanguard) and 4 Factions (Knight,... Guilty Gear Strive is a wet dream for the FGC, since we'll be getting DBFZ's polish, into the most demanding fighting game of all... BlazBlue offers a diverse cast of characters that cosplay artists can use and bless us with their creations! Loose Ends, Part 5, Despite being lobotomized, Starscream managed to regain control of his body seconds before an orbital bombardment destroyed his fellows and made for the Ark. Siege episode 1, When the Decepticons unleashed a virus to destroy the Alpha Trion Protocols, the protocol's similarity to basic Autobot code caused it to deactivate the Ark's systems, including its cloak. Loose Ends, Part 5 To save his spark following the crash, Shockwave willingly wired himself into the Ark. Secrets & Lies #3, Seeing that their leader was under another's control and channeling antimatter, the Coneheads fled the area while Grimlock managed to stumble back inside the Ark and disabled AUNTIE. On its maiden voyage it was boarded by the crew of the Nemesis, causing it to crash on Earth, were both groups would remain dormant for more than four million years. When you travel and interact during the... Been a gamer since birth. Just before the vessel's launch, Ratchet had the minds of the five Dynobots downloaded into the bank and their sparks added to the containment system. Channel Link: All or Nothing! MMORPGs are our specialty - and the reason Altar of Gaming exists in the first place. Earthrise episode 5, Having received a large data spike when it left the Dead Universe, the Ark dedicated all of its power to processing this, leaving it vulnerable to the Nemesis's tractor beam. Then the Decepticon ship attacked, and the Decepticons under Megatron boarded it. A giant castle on the back of a flying Dino’ I bet will be just the thing! Which shouldn't be a problem if you're coming from ARK: Survival Evolved. Starscream did just that and was glimpsed by a revived Galvatron. Ask Vector Prime, Though supposedly built to clear a path through a nearby asteroid belt, Project: Ark was, at its core, an elaborate trap by Optimus Prime to try and remove Megatron from Cybertron. Enemy of My Enemy Part Four, As the Great War turned against the Autobots, they constructed the Ark to escape their dying world, hiding it beneath cloaks and holograms, Siege episode 5 not far from Sector Seven. As the crew disembarked to dislodge the obstruction, the Nemesis arrived. Spotlight: Nightbeat, While Nova Prime's plans for the Expansion failed, the Ark-1 remained in the Dead Universe alongside the wreckage of starships from other universes. Earthrise episode 1 Seizing control of the ship and imprisoning the crew, the Mercenaries piloted the Ark to Chaar to deliver the Autobots to the Quintesson Judge Deseeus.

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