10 facts about the stock market

A meagre 2% of this enormous figure entered the stock market in India. Contrast that with the lowest price ever paid back in 1876. When do you think the idea of a stock exchange first came up? It achieved that distinction on August 22, 2018, when its duration exceeded a bull market that ran from October 1990 until March 2000, when the tech bubble burst. A group of two dozen stockbrokers and store owners gathered under a buttonwood tree to create the Buttonwood Agreement, which gave them membership on the New Yor… Back in 1999 a seat on the NYSE went for a record $2.650M. It was started in a coffeehouse, where traders used to meet to exchange … BSE in India. When the stock price is appreciating, and the overall mood of the market is positive, it is known as the bull market. Oh, and if you want to add something or express your opinions, feel free to leave a comment. Can you guess how much of that was invested in the stock market? Content published by users is licensed under their selected license. All of you know what the stock market is about and what happens there. Here’s Why You Should Still Trade, 4 Essential Stock Market Order Types You Need To Know About, How I Made 2 Million In The Stock Market: The Book That Changed It All. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Free Stock Charts Allow You To Trade Based on Reason, Not Emotion, The Benefits and Values of Binary Options. This man started investing with Rs. Stock markets are found in 77 countries in the world. Please be vigilant when exploring external websites linked from the articles/ads/profiles on this website. It’s a place of intrigue, opportunity and incredible adrenalin rushes. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All the aforementioned things are without a doubt, extremely important. It got the maiden listing on the NYSE back in 1792, two years after the very first stock exchange was setup in America. Keep researching and keep investing. 25 years later, he converted that to Rs. The First facility is stock market can be used as a reliable economic barometer in order to measure the economic condition of a country. 1 Already a record breaker— The bull market didn’t need to reach 10 years of age to break the length record. The United States represents 40.01% of the entire world stock market capitalization. The National Stock Exchange has around 1,750 listed companies. So, if you picture a bull or a bear attack without cringing, you’ll actually get a very clear picture of the movement of the stocks and the whole point behind these seemingly nonsensical terms. I have another to add to the list.Cricket. If you don’t know bulls and bears of the stock market, then you can learn more about bulls and bears here. After all, it was on Wall Street where the NYSE was created its earliest form in 1792. He’s also an American business magnate, investor and philanthropist. But it can’t really be helped, can it? With stocks plummeting 25% in the space of a few days, American investors were sent into panic. Have you guys heard about the Wall Street crash in 1929? I’m sure you guys have heard of Warren Buffet. The second co-founder, Steve Wozniak, AKA (Also Known As) Woz, is also quite well known. The oldest stock exchange in the world started in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1460. Companies wanting to raise money offer buyers ownership shares in their businesses. Stock Market Facts 5 – The First Company Listed on the NYSE was actually based in New York. Wall Street was laid out behind a 12-foot-high wood stockade across lower Manhattan in 1685. Of course, in terms of market capitalization, the New York Stock Exchange has us beat by several light years. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The March 2020 crash occurred during the 2020 recession, which began in the first quarter. Thanks. The 87 crash took place in October; so too did the 02 and 08 crash. 2. Here are 10 stunning facts you should know. First, we will look back with fondness at the rip-roaring years of joy. Company performance, investor confidence and a number of related factors, right? There was a lot of fanfare because the Bank if New York was actually established by one of the founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton. Of course, this was a much much watered down version of the stock exchanges we know and love. BOOT belongs to Lacrosse Footwear; arguably the most appropriate ticker symbol you can find in the sector. Perhaps the highest compliment a stock market company can have is to have a ticker symbol that matches perfectly what it does. That company was the Bank of New York. The first stock exchange was set up in Antwerp, Belgium. It’s no secret that America was settled by people all over Europe, but few people know how and why the legendary street now known commonly as Wall Street was established. Top 10 facilities are being discussed here. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the stock market? In terms of the number of listed stocks, the largest stock exchange in the world is the Bombay Stock Exchange with 5,689 companies. Another milestone in the history of stock exchanges was in 1602, when the Dutch East India Company set up the Amsterdam Stock Exchange to ease trading. However, isn’t it kind of boring? Not true. The cause lay with the London Stock Exchange crash that occurred the month before, and continued with a volatile market and the frantic selling of stocks. Here are five more you (probably) didn’t know…. 1. Buyers in the market … Robinhood Penny Stocks: What You Need To Know, Six Gold Stocks With Dividends [Must See], Gold Stocks To Buy: Read This Before First. Stock Market Is Rigged? 2. Considering the fact that the stock market is associated with money and equity and other similar things, it’s not too hard to imagine what a person would think of on hearing the words “stock market”. It’s priced at an unthinkable 2,13,330 USD per share. Amazing Facts About Stock Markets: There are many interesting and amazing facts about stock markets that you may not have come across. Stock Market Facts 9 – October Is A Nightmare Month. Terms. So we have compiled a list of the most amazing facts about the stock market and it’s history.. One.. During Gil Amelio’s tenure as Apple CEO, Apple’s stock slumped and hit a 12-year low in 1997 that was at least partially caused by a single sale of 1.5 million shares of Apple stock by an anonymous party, who was later … 8000 crores. The ticker symbol CASH belongs to a financial services company, First Midwest Federal. This is because the biggest crashes in Wall Street history have occurred in October. Given the recent volatility and how … 50 Fun Facts About the Stock Market Continue Reading » Nearly all countries participate in a global stock exchange that allows for both local and international companies to be traded. The number of traded companies varies, usually proportionately to the size of the country, but can vary from a couple hundred to as many as a couple thousand. A Similar Crash Would Have Global Repercussions Today. Here Are the Top 10 Stock Market Crash of 1929 Facts 1. Once you understand the thrill of share investing or trading, you’ll be hooked and nothing else will matter anymore. The history of the stock market is one full of quirks, anomalies, and quite unbelievable facts. The current bull market has been going on for a record 10 years. Stock Market Facts 3 – Wall Street Created To Keep Dutch Settlers Alive. When you’re dealing with truckloads of money on a daily basis, it doesn’t really hurt to have Lady Luck on your side. This landslide started in the month of October. In fact, the very first stock exchange was established on Philadelphia back in 1790. Considering the fact that the stock market is associated with money and equity and other similar things, it’s not too hard to imagine what a person would think of on hearing the words “stock market”. When Sachin Tendulkar is involved in the losing match, the market goes down 18% more than when he is not involved. The first fact to know about the stock market crash of 1929 is that a similar crash could happen again in 2017. By the time she died in 1994, she had amassed a $9.5 million fortune. The reason for such a high price is that the company doesn’t split its shares. from Trading Tips 1. Using this website means you accept our Terms and Privacy Policy. Required fields are marked *. A measly $4000. In 2013, India reported annual household savings of 22,124.14 billion INR. Mr. Jhunjhunwala bought 6 crore shares of Titan when it was priced at Rs. A study conducted by Monash University, Australia, has shown that there is sharp and significant decline in stock prices the day after India loses a match. Now do you say where the apprehension about October comes from? This crash is the worst in the history of the United States. But it wasn’t always this way. Ironically, you’ll find a lot of traders and brokers tend to be superstitious. It Could Happen Again. 1. 4. Stock Market Facts 1 – The US Didn’t Start It All The US stock market is the biggest in the world. Any one of you could be the next richest person of the world. In order to protect themselves from attack, the Dutch set up a 12-foot high wood stockade across lower Manhattan. A stock market, equity market, or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks (also called shares), which represent ownership claims on businesses; these may include securities listed on a public stock exchange, as well as stock that is only traded privately, such as shares of private companies which are sold to investors through equity crowdfunding platforms. Stock exchanges have been around since the fifteenth century. It’s actually called Black Tuesday nowadays. November 23, 1954: The Dow finally regained its September 3, 1929, high, closing at 382.74. We all know about the “dot-com” bubble and its subsequent burst in 2001, but financial bubbles have been around for much longer. Here’s just how wild. Examples of Stock Markets The first stock market in the world was the London stock exchange. Few would fancy Philadelphia as the pioneer of such an important institution but that’s exactly what it did at the end of the 18th century. October is considered to be the jinxed month as the two worst stock market crashes both happened in this very month. The terms “bear” and “bull” are thought to have originated from the way these animals attack. Here are our top 10 stock market facts – you won’t see the stock market in quite the same way again after you plug into these stock market facts. 1. Trillions of dollars flow through the major and minor exchanges and most people believe the US is the birthplace of the stock market. Because of this, the initial moniker given to the exchange was the “Curb.”, Stock Market Facts 8 – The NASDAQ Once Acted As A Market for Penny Stocks. It turns out most people in India prefer to invest in gold and real estate, rather than our beloved stocks. Seats on the NYSE can vary a lot in price, expanding and shifting based on the wider fortunes of America. © otherarticles.com I will leave it to you to figure out exactly how much he gained. Back in 1685 Dutch settlers were constantly being set upon by Native Americans and the British. I don’t know about you, but these terms innate to the stock market, have always perplexed me. But don’t let that schizophrenia put you off because there are some stock market facts that really make the whole thing interesting. Oh, and the most expensive stock in the world right now? If you had thought stock brokers and stock traders are all about the numbers and pure black and white logic, think again. The US stock market is the biggest in the world. By using this website you accept our Terms and Privacy Policy. It is also believed that the bull has its horns pointed towards the sky, which symbolizes the upward movement. The NYSE is the largest stock exchange in the world by market cap. Serves as Economic Barometer. By 1932, the value of the shares was just a fifth of what they were in 1929. Even though India has a bursting population of 1.252 billion, it turns out most of them aren’t really into stocks. But let me ask you something. Just imagine how cool it would be if Google had got the ticker symbol SEARCH. That’s a long time ago – a full 32 years before Columbus set foot on American soil no less. These 10 ideas, tips and topics should be a good primer for your stock market education. 8. | Site images and design © to Otherarticles.com (OA). COPYRIGHT © 2021 ULTIMATESTOCKALERTS.COM. So don’t lose interest if you don’t succeed the first couple of times because I promise you it gets better. Little wonder then that both these emotions have served as themes for some of the biggest stock market movies of all time. If only he had had a little more confidence, right? Guess how much his stake would have been worth today? last 100 years, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was up 70% of the years. A similar crash today could cause an economic collapse worldwide. Very dramatic, I know. Please be civil to one another when commenting and do not spam. Back in 1971 when the NASDAQ was established, it traded only OTC stocks, really just another term for penny stocks. This man left the job after a mere 12 days. Stock Market Facts 7 – Traders on The American Stock Exchange Used To Stand Out In The Cold, Believe it or not, traders on the American Stock Exchange used to stand outside on the streets – on the curbs to be exact. 3. I mean, he’s one of the most well-known and most successful stock market investors ever. About 10% of US households hold international equity. Thus, Wall Street, as we know it today, was born. As you can see, there’s a lot more to the stock market than what meets the eye. Here are 10 interesting stock market facts. Women appear to take the same decisions regardless of their recent successes in the stock market. 1. As Gordon Gecko uttered in the movie, Wall Street, “greed is good.”. It was a wild ride. For instance, while the New York Stock Exchange is the largest U.S. Stock exchange, it is not the oldest. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is massive. So I’m going to tell you about some of the lesser known, more interesting facts about the stock market. There are many facilities of Stock Market. Other past stock market crashes led to the 2001 recession and the Great Recession of 2008. How would you attract potential investors, though? He’s an investor and trader. It was a roller coaster week for the stock market. And the only way you’ll experience or even glimpse any of it is if you delve deeper into the wild yourself. When they succeed in the stock market, the increase in testosterone levels and confidence, leads to invest even more, and more irrationally. The sum then? Stock Market Facts 4 – Seats on the NYSE are Expensive. Oh, and most importantly, he’s the 3rd richest man in the world right now. Warren Buffet was quoted saying that he’s owned between 400 and 500 stocks in his life, but he made most of his money on about 10 of them. The Bull And The Bear Market The bull and bear market is the most commonly used term in the stock market. The NASDAQ is now a huge, sophisticated exchange, catering only to technology stocks of the highest caliber. Ask most analysts and traders on the stock market which month they most fear and they’ll tell you: October. The stock market can be a lot of fun, and on the odd occasion it can be not so fun. Happy trading/investing! Disclosures. 355. There was also the time in 1711, when the shares of the South Sea Company collapsed in the midst of a huge bubble. The third co-founder is a man named Ronald Wayne. Stock Market Facts 6 – A Few Stock Market Companies have beautifully appropriate Names. [24] Walt Disney gave his housekeeper, Thelma Howard, Disney stock every year for Christmas. This too, happened in the fated month of October. The stock market status can fluctuate at any given time, but here are some current statistics regarding the global stock market. Talking about shares and investing can get boring sometimes. Those are ten of the most interesting stock market facts – fact number eight about penny stocks is very compelling. In this article, we bring you the 14 most interesting and amazing facts about the stock market. The rest were just fodder. Here are 10 key things to know about this bull market as it turns 10. Males are driven by testosterone. When asked about the founders of Apple, the first person that comes to mind is Steve Jobs. Have you guys heard about Rakesh Jhunjhunwala? Do you see why I’m writing this blog now? Stock Market Crashes over last 100 Years – Click to Zoom. Everyone knows about the great crash in 1929, how we first coined the term Black Thursday (Oct 24th), Black Monday (Oct 28), and Black Tuesday (Oct 29)… but did you know that the Dow Jones Industrial Average wouldn’t recover to the 1929 peak until 1954? He sold his stake for $800 in 1976. Your email address will not be published. Back Next. Of course, you can’t really blame them. [24] Because there are stock markets in many parts of the world, investors may trade 24 hours a day. The first stock market was started in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1460. The worst point decline ever On Monday, the Dow fell 1,175 points, or 4.6%. 101 FACTS ABOUT THE STOCK MARKET: FROM FUN FACTS TO HELPFUL KNOWLEDGE (English Edition) eBook: Boragno, Brandon: Amazon.nl: Kindle Store The second occurred in 1987, when the stock markets declined by a fourth of their value. Amsterdam stock exchange was the first formal stock exchange in the world. The market actually lost $30 billion in the span of two days. The bull generally thrusts its horns up in the air, while the bear swipes downwards with its paws. The fall in stock prices after a loss is more than seven times the movement after a win. 5000. The theory is actually simple and intuitive. All the aforementioned things are without a doubt, extremely important. So advertising these facts isn’t the best way to attract amateur investors, is it? It took twenty-five years. Top 10 Features of Stock Market. Today, each share of Titan is worth about Rs. 10 Most Interesting Facts About Stock Market It is easy to get caught up in the daily stock market activity and lose sight of the interesting facts in the market's history. The oldest stock exchange in the United States, opened in Philadelphia, in 1790. That’s right. Widespread carnage. So it’s really not that hard, is it? But it was an informal market. New York is now the financial capital of America but it wasn’t always the case. In 2018, the global market cap shrank 14.9% from the year before. Stock Market Facts 1 – The US Didn’t Start It All. Trillions of dollars flow through the major and minor exchanges and most people believe the US is the birthplace of the stock market. 10 fascinating facts about this troubled stock market ... MarketWatch rounded up 10 interesting market facts, in light of this year’s broad decline for stocks. We use Cookies. Privacy. What do you think affects the prices of stocks? The first occurred in 1929, when the stock prices declined by 25%. This one is going to make you guys proud. Stock Market Facts 2 – The US Didn’t Get Its First Exchange Until 1790. I mean, if the stock market is all about the money, doesn’t it get kind of dry and mundane? Your email address will not be published. He’s also the 53rd richest person in India, with net assets worth 2.2 billion USD. The Best Stock Market Years [of the last 90 Years] 10. I mean, the man is Apple, right? Coming off the back of the great depression, we have 1933 with a joyous 46.59%. The global market capitalization has exc… Stock Market Facts 10 – Fear and Greed Adds Drama (and Movies), The two dominant emotions at play in the stock market are fear and greed. Wall Street is a not only a physical location in lower Manhattan, it is also a colloquial expression that can be used to describe the entire stock market. Trying to raise money and make money -- that’s the broad gist of the stock market.

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